Juno The Wonder Mutt
Four years ago we lost our 16 year old mixed breed dog to an aggressive form of cancer. My husband and I were devastated and I hated how quiet the house was. At the time our daughter was almost 2 and wanting to foster a dog was a bit worrisome because we needed a dog to be kind to her. We looked at several other dogs from the AAC but we weren’t quick enough before they were adopted! We saw Juno and thought, “ well what the heck is she?” She is such an interesting looking mix of what I call an Idaho Potato and something with stubby legs. We decided to foster her for the weekend and we were amazed at her gentle, sweet soul. We knew she had been living in a car with her owner and other dogs in Idaho falls and had recently had a litter of puppies. I wondered if she was suffering from doggie post partum depression and really needed love and time. We decided to adopt her and she and our daughter are absolutely the best of friends. Juno sleeps in our daughters room every night and is the first to greet her human when she comes home. It took about a year or so for Juno to come out of her shell and I must say, she has a funny personality. A year ago we
adopted a Chesapeake Bay Retriever who we sometimes wonder if she has caused more gray hairs for Juno girl. They also love each other and go on hikes and trips to the dog park together. These days Juno enjoys a good snooze on the couch, a bone to chew and rides in the car. Hands down Juno is the most obedient, loyal and loving dog we have ever had.